Nobody likes a soft present. It's always socks or something else that you "need". Hard presents are always better. Obviously it's the same with weight. The only good present that is light is money and even that is of course better if it's heavy. So what could be a better present than 380 kgs of solid cast iron? It is of course a rethorical question.
After carrying the babies four stairs and out to the terrace (it is documented) it was time to put them to work. But first a little meet-and-greet. Most of us had met before. Some more casually, others....well others were a sweet reunion between old friends. Snatching the 24 again, pressing double 24s, trying to press the 32 (didn't work, maybe tomorrow), and of course deadlifting the 56. First one and than two. I haven't lifted that much weight since I left Sweden. No problemo!
'Nuff socialising though. We have promises to keep, and miles to go before we sleep.
The first time doing Kettlebell Muscle with the new bells and it felt different. For me it was heavier. Especially in the press. I guess it has something to do with the mechanics of a smaller vs. a larger bell (or are the GS-bells just lighter?) Keeping them in the rack position doing front squats are much easier though since they "sink in" deeper because of their size.
It is a bit early to draw any long lasting conslusions about the differences, especially since I have a little bit of a cold and a sore throat today wich probably affected my performance yesterday, but in general they just feel heavier. Not only when you lift them but also when you look at them and to the touch. I guess it is a psychological difference. Something black and slightly rough looks heavier than something violet with a shiny handle. It is also the fact that the GS-bells weight less than they look, i.e. that they all have the same size. Picking up the 12 kg is almost like picking up a baloon.
I'm looking forward to taking the Eleiko bells to the park or to the beach and try out some juggling.
Jag kör på svenska om du ursäktar. Eleiko-kloten är ju något trängre i handtaget vilket kan uppfattas som att de är tyngre då de ligger tätare/högre upp/mer pressat/ mot handleden/brantare vinkel. I pressen är de helt klart jobbigare. Jag har använt dem i över ett år och man vänjer sig förstås, dock vande jag mig aldrig med 16 kg utan fick en bestående öm punkt mot handledsbenet som fortfarande gör ont när jag trycker. Eleikokloten har en fin finish och hammarlacken mot min hud gav en lagom hög friktion vilket jag gillade.
SvaraRaderaLycka till med allt där nere!
Ha ha, Liljeros vi borde starta en nerd-forum! Eller det kanske precis vad vi har gjort med våra respektive bloggar?
Ja, den gränsen sprängde man ju för länge sen, det har du rätt i.... :)