Yesterday I brought the rings down to the beach. Did the first ring work for about a month. Not the most beautiful form but it felt pretty good. I could only two muscle-ups at a time but I think that I will be up to five or more quite quickly.
Today I had my first eskrima class with Enrique and the other guys at Barcelona Eskrima Group.
It was a 31/2 hour session at Gimnas Yawara and the first time doing eskrima for me. For a long time I have wanted to train with the Sayoc Kali group at Blade Arts in Stockholm but working restaurant hours haven't really made that possible. So here I am now with Barcelonas stick/knife fighting elite.
It was a great session. It felt so good to do a martial art again. Hitting tyres with sticks and at the end just going at each other with padded sticks. Can't wait to learn more from these great people.
Gott att se er online igen!
Ser bra ut det där! Snart upp i handstand ju!
SvaraRaderaLászló: Well. Det är härifrån det blir svårt. Ska göra mitt bästa dock.
SvaraRaderaAndreas: Tack! Nu blir det seriöst bloggande de närmaste månaderna. Kör i gång med Neuperts program nästa vecka.