lördag 16 oktober 2010

Back in the saddle

Yesterday I brought the rings down to the beach. Did the first ring work for about a month. Not the most beautiful form but it felt pretty good. I could only two muscle-ups at a time but I think that I will be up to five or more quite quickly.

Today I had my first eskrima class with Enrique and the other guys at Barcelona Eskrima Group.
It was a 31/2 hour session at Gimnas Yawara and the first time doing eskrima for me. For a long time I have wanted to train with the Sayoc Kali group at Blade Arts in Stockholm but working restaurant hours haven't really made that possible. So here I am now with Barcelonas stick/knife fighting elite.

It was a great session. It felt so good to do a martial art again. Hitting tyres with sticks and at the end just going at each other with padded sticks. Can't wait to learn more from these great people.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Gott att se er online igen!


  2. Ser bra ut det där! Snart upp i handstand ju!

  3. László: Well. Det är härifrån det blir svårt. Ska göra mitt bästa dock.
    Andreas: Tack! Nu blir det seriöst bloggande de närmaste månaderna. Kör i gång med Neuperts program nästa vecka.
