A friend posted this on facebook the other day: "I wish I could buy a spare immune system on ebay!!" For fucks sake yes! At least when it comes to these silly colds that are bad enough to keep you off your feet, but not severe enough to knock you right out and keep you sleeping trough it. Or no, really I wouldn't mind skipping all sorts of illnesses if I had the choix.
Yes it's true, I have a cold and have been lying in bed for a couple of days now. My only joy is when Jon comes home to tell me about what exercises he did at the beachgym. Or rather...to tell the truth, I'm so frustrated about my state that when he comes home to eagerly tell me about his latest muscleup/bodyweightwod/run or whatever, all I do is jealously grunt something and then change the subject. Ha ha, what a wife huh! But Jon is as kind and patient as ever, assuring me how I'll soon be well and how fun we'll have together as soon as I'm back on track.
And how much fun we've had down at the beach! Our last workout together was a great set of skilltraining, nothing that got the pulse running but it left me with some severe soreness the day after:
Handstand pushups, all the way to the ground, with help if required (which means on each rep for me!) to work on full range of motion.
Pistols (one legged squat). They still challenge me, I can't even do them unassisted, otherwise I fall backwards. But I can feel them improving everytime and my Lord I can feel them when walking the two sets of stairs up to our house.
After that, some gymnastics. Flat tucked front lever holds, and a sort of long cycle Skin the cat that goes from a normal dead hang to a l-sit pullup, then inverts to skin the cat. From there it goes the same way back to the beginning again, and without touching the ground, straight back into a new rep. Got that? Perhaps a film would be in place. Next time.
Anyway, am aiming at being well tomorrow, we're going out to Leo Cavallo from Kettelbells Barcelona to pick up some kettlebells. He's living somewhere outside of town and going back with four KBs on public transport can probably give our grip a good workout. Although we have done it several times before remember? In fact, all our darlings at home got the rough treatment and have seen both busses, trams and commutertrains on their way to their new family. Leos kettlebells are GirevoySport competitionbells, the multicolore ones. Although I just love Eleikos black ones and am hoping to get a hold of some of them soon, I'm eager to see what it's like to work the GS ones and I'm looking forward to meet with Leo again. He is a really nice guy - despite the fact that he is a Girevoysport guy! Wondering what GS is? Have a look at this vid. No show, no glam, no brand new trainers, just hard work and repetitions, repetitions, repetitions. Just gotta love the Russians!
Hope you get better soon, honey!
SvaraRaderaJust sent you a message on FB.
Speak soon,